The accessFlow audit conducts three page views per page: one for site mapping, one simulating a desktop, and another for mobile devices.
Each audit may register as 2-3 unique visitors per page in your analytics, potentially skewing visitor count data.
If you have configured steps to bypass a login wall, each audit counts as just one unique visitor for the entire audit due to the use of cookies.
Exclude accessFlow audits from your visitor counts by creating a user agent and then filtering out that agent in your analytics. A user agent is any software used to access your website. For example, a browser.
To exclude accessFlow audits from your visitor counts
1. In accessFlow go to Dashboard and select Audit Settings.
2. In Basic scan settings, create a User Agent and include a specific word to be used for filtering.
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 accessibe
3. To exclude accessFlow visits from your analytics, filter out the unique word (e.g., “accessibe”) from the user agent in your visitor count metrics.