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How do people with physical/motor disabilities use accessWidget?
Challenges on the web:
When it comes to websites, physical and motor impairments are defined by the inability to use a mouse. Luckily, a keyboard can do everything a mouse can do and more. Unfortunately, most websites are not optimized for keyboard navigation, which means that website elements won’t respond to keyboard actions. These websites exclude people with motor impairments.
This means that if a website element, such as a popup, form, or menu, isn’t designed to respond to keyboard commands then there’s no way to interact with them without a mouse. For example, we all know that moment when you enter a website and an image or banner appears in the form of a popup. If this happens, we click on the ‘X’ and go on with our reason for visiting the site. However, if the popup isn’t optimized for keyboard navigation and doesn't respond to a keyboard action to close the popup, then the user will be stuck on the popup with no way to go back to the original page.
How accessWidget helps:
accessWidget makes websites navigable by keyboard. By using ARIA attributes and contextual understanding AI engine, accessWidget makes the necessary adjustments throughout the website's code. People with motor impairments can use the keys to do everything from closing popups and forms to opening drop downs and menus.