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How do I white label the accessWidget interface?

White labeling lets you rebrand the accessWidget interface and sell it to your customers as your own. This involves replacing the Powered by accessiBe footer with your own text so that web accessibility can become a branded part of your agency's business. When purchasing accessWidget from you, clients will see your company's name prominently displayed at the bottom of the interface.

How to whitelabel accessWidget

  1. On the accessiBe homepage, select Login in the top right corner, and log in to your account.
  2. Select My Licenses and select the specific license where you want to install accessWidget.
  3. Select Install and customize widget
    Screenshot of copy code
  4. Under Customizing accessWidget Interface > Interface Footer Content enter your preferred text, for example, Powered By {your agency name}.
    Screenshot of customizing interface
  5. At this stage you can complete any additional customization options and then select Publish Changes.
  6. In the popup window select Publish Now. This will override any existing customizations and instantly apply the changes to your site. 
    Screenshot of publish now
  7. Do the same customization for each of your customers' websites to ensure the accessWidget interface looks the same for all of your customers.