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How can I update/change my payment plan for accessWidget?
If you purchased the wrong plan or your website’s page count exceeded your current payment plan, you can easily update it by following these steps.
Note, to change from an annual plan to a monthly plan, or to downgrade to a smaller plan, contact customer support so we can help you with any necessary refunds.
1. On the accessiBe homepage, click Login in the top right corner, and log in to your account.
2. Go to My Licenses on the top menu.
2. Locate the website you want to update or change your payment plan for. Then click Manage on the right-hand side of the row.
3. Under Need to update your plan? choose the payment plan you want to update to and click Update Plan.
On the confirmation screen, you’ll see the amount that you’ll be charged.
4. Click Confirm Purchase to complete the update.
Your payment plan will be updated for your chosen website.