accessScan is AI-powered
accessScan's AI is designed to experience your site as a person would and tell you exactly what isn't accessible.
accessScan is fully automated
accessScan automatically scans your website in order to flag and diagnose accessibility errors from end-to-end.
accessScan's auditing  categories
What is it scanning for?Clickables
Button, links & controls more
Focus, popups & more
Navigations, dropdowns & more
Regions, controls & more
Layouts, headings & more
Alt text, spacers & more
Validations, labels & more
Language, landmarks & more
Headings, contrasts & more
Get your results within seconds 
Enter your domain
Test any domain, anywhere on the web, with no limit to the number of tests you can run
Get an accurate audit
The results will have details for every section of the scan, whether you’re compliant or not
Download or share the report
You can use the report to share with your team or peers, and decide your next steps
What does my compliance  level  mean?
Know where you standAccessible
Your website is accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities, and complies with legislation
Semi Compliant
Your website is partially accessible but still missing some key elements for legislation compliance
Non Compliant
You can use the report to share with your team or peers, and decide your next steps and one more line